Horses & Horsepower
Thank you all who participated and helped with our first ever Car Show/Horse Show. We look forward to doing it again next year! Please keep an eye out for new information at the beginning of the year.
Barrel Racing and Pole Bending in the arena.
Car show in the front parking lot.
Horse show check in 9:00am
Car show check in 9:30am
Show from 10-3 with awards at 2:30PM
Entries open for both now!
Horse show awards - Payout to top 3 in each event.
Car show Awards - Belt buckle to Peoples Choice and Best of show with other awards to:
Worst Gas Mileage
Date night Worthy
Most likely to be pulled over
Garage Queen
Daily Driver
Best use of random parts (Rat Rod)
Entry Fees
$20 Preregistration (Must be paid online)
$25 Day of entry
Limited to 30 Entries per event/class
$35 Per event | $5 Office fee per event
Youth 17 & Under - No Leadline
Open - All ages (No Leadline)
Time Onlys - Limit to one per rider
$5 | $5 Office fee
12x12 Space
Crafts & Goods (No food items) - $35
Food Vendors - $50
Entry Forms